I’ve been away from this blog for almost half a year! How time flies!
As Covid-19 hit our shores, and Working From Home is now the new norm, I’ve had the time to focus on life priorities and also to reflect on my life, career, passions and pursuits.
“Should I keep this blog going?” “Maybe I should just give it up?” those were the questions I asked myself very often.
I absolutely love to write and share my thoughts and opinions on products I’ve tried and tested. However, I really wasn’t sure if it helped anyone out there or if anyone was reading them.
But God does amazing things and He always goes above and beyond our wildest imagination!
After being away from this space for about 6 Months, I decided to look at my blog statistics and was surprised to learn that it had an average of 33% increase in views with 804 views in the month of May! It became clear to me that I can’t give up on this blog yet!
Now that I have settled into the “new norm”. I can’t wait to create new content and share more frequently on product reviews, lifestyle content and snippets of life updates.
Would you like to see more product reviews or lifestyle content? Leave your comments below!
Follow me on Instagram @sabrina_shares to connect as well! God Bless!